One of the most special moments in anyone’s life is their wedding day, and with it comes a flurry of emotions. There is the thrill of celebrating a new union and the joy of the wedding couple, family, and friends all gathered together in one place. With so much to celebrate, it’s important to show your well-wishes and congratulations to the newlyweds with a message of wedding joy and love. Here, we share thoughtful ideas and examples of wedding messages to help you express your heartfelt wishes to the newlyweds.

What to Write in a Wedding Card

When selecting a wedding card, you may be at a loss for words. You want to write something that is meaningful but not too sappy or over-the-top. Here are some simple yet heartwarming ways to express your sincere wishes for the couple on their wedding day:

• Congratulate the newlyweds on finding the one they want to share the rest of their life with.
• Wishing them a lifetime of joy, love, and happiness.
• May you always work together to make each other better.
• May the love and companionship you share today grow stronger and brighter throughout the years.
• May this special bond of love last for eternity.
• Wishing you both a world of happiness and success.
• Grateful for the love you share – may it never cease.

Romantic Wedding Messages

Your wedding message is a great opportunity to convey a meaningful and romantic sentiment. Here are some romantic wedding messages to inspire you:

• As you make the ultimate commitment, may you continue to find joy and devotion in each other’s love.
• May your love grow stronger and more beautiful with each passing year.
• When two hearts become one, it creates something extraordinary. Congrats on your wedding day.
• You both have the gift of love. May it lead you to an abundance of joy and happiness.
• Congratulations on your blissful union – may the love between you both last forever.
• To a beautiful couple: May the pure joy of your wedding day last for a lifetime.
• Wishing you both all the best in your new life as Mr. and Mrs.

Funny Wedding Messages

We all know that newly married couples need a good dose of humor to get them through the many wonderful years of marriage! Here are some funny wedding messages to make the couple chuckle:

• May you both always be each other’s favorite person – even when you can be annoying.
• Congrats on a perfect match. Now here’s hoping that you both love doing the dishes equally!
• May your love story give Brangelina a run for their money.
• Wishing you both a long and happy marriage even if you do get on each other’s nerves sometimes.
• Wishing you lots of joy, happiness, and togetherness… along with plenty of time apart.
• Wishing you both a beautiful marriage as you become annoyed with each other in the years ahead.
• Congratulations on your wedding day – may you live happily ever after for about a year and a half.

Religious Wedding Messages

If you would like to include religious references in your wedding message, here are some ideas to get you started:

• “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” – 1 Corinthians 13:13
• Wishing you both a lifetime of grace and love.
• Wishing you many blessings for a joyous future.
• Praying for God’s richest blessings upon you both.
• May the hand of God always be upon your lives, strengthening you on each journey.
• May God bless you with an abundance of love and laughter.
• May your marriage be blessed with faith, patience, and joy.

What to Avoid in a Wedding Message

No matter what kind of wedding message you choose to write, it is best to stay away from any references that may cause the couple to be uncomfortable or embarrassed. Here are some pointers for what to avoid:

• Humiliation or embarrassment – Do not write anything that may be interpreted as unflattering to either one of the couple or the couple together.
• Jokes – While it can be tempting to throw in a funny wedding message, always note the nature of the couple ahead of time to ensure that the joke would be appropriate to them.
• Political/Controversial Comments – It is best to stay away from any controversial political opinions or other inflammatory comments that may overshadow their special day.
• Bad Feelings – Even if there may be some ill feelings between yourself or others and the newlyweds, there is no place for negative energy on their special day. Keep the energy positive.
• Obvious Filler – Every person has their own way of expressing their wishes for a special event, so avoid generic comments or overused phrases that may come off as insincere.

Wedding messages are a great way to show your love and appreciation for the wedding couple on their big day. From funny to romantic and religious, there are a variety of wishes you can choose to share with the couple for a lifetime of love and happiness.

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